b'TTrim FitA E G HA balanced fit that gives a trim lookDwithout excessive pulling or bagginess.A. The shoulderB F. The back is relatively flatH. Vest covers the is square and thewith slight pull waist band of the sleeve is trim withpants and is fitted with minimal pulling G. Proper fit under the arm thatminimal pullingallows for comfortB. Suppression of the waist showing slight pulling at theCbutton D. Slight buckle of the C. The pant legs arelapel I Jtrim with minimalE. The shoulder is square pulling with no crease or sag CI. The pantsJ. The pants bottom is smallerpockets are and requires alying flat and shorter outseamthere is minimal measurement pulling across the hip areaS E F GSkinnyFitA D HA very tight and shorter fit that emphasizes pulling and wrinkles associated with high fashion andB F. The back will show slightH. Vest will be shorter provides the leastto moderate pull and may expose the comfort.waist band of the pants.A. The shoulderG. Under arm will be tightWill show pulling at the is under sized,and show no fullness buttons creating a bulge past the sleeve cap. CThe sleeve is veryD. Prominent buckle of trim with noticeablethe lapelpulling I JB. Suppression ofE. The shoulder is the waist showingbulging which may cause creasing Cpronounced pulling at the buttonC. The pant legsI. The pantsJ. The pants are tight withbottom is muchpockets are pulling, pocket bagssmaller andstretched and showing will not coverwill not lay flat. the shoe.AThere is pulling shorter outseamacross the hipTYPES OF FIT 137measurement area'